February 17, 2010

I am what I think

Posted in Transforming Your Mind at 11:04 pm by lisamerry

The Bible says “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”…what does that really mean? To renew my mind means to change the way I think, to get new information, to learn a new concept or idea. My thoughts affect my actions and reinforce my beliefs. If I think and believe “I am lovable,” my daily actions will reflect that. If I believe I am lovable, and therefore, I am loved, I can live my life in response to that truth and not trying to prove it. It means I don’t have to change others, or my circumstances, or have all the answers. If I am loved by the God of the Universe, and HE has everything under control, what do I have to worry about? If I rest and trust in His love, I will make better choices for myself, my husband, my children, and my friends. If I base my worthiness on HIS love, the unchanging, all knowing, all powerful God, I never need to fear, or wonder if I am loved, He will never leave me or abandon me. People in my life will at times let me down, and I will let them down too. By living in and relying on Gods grace and power I can be a more loving and thoughtful wife, mother, and friend. He must be the source of my love and worth…not people. You will believe about yourself what the most important person in your life believes about you…so make the most important person in your life Jesus Christ.

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