March 30, 2010

The Race Marked Out For Us

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:53 pm by lisamerry

Hebrews 12:1-2 contains the verses “and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Have you ever thought about what that means? God marked out a race for you.

What is this path God has chosen for us and why is it called a race? I can hear my husband saying “It’s a r-r-r-race,” rolling the r and is a quote from the movie “Rat Race” which is hilarious…but besides the point!

I believe sometimes in life if we don’t deliberately and quickly stay on and follow the path God has set for us, we can get too distracted. We see that “shiny object” offshoot that takes away from the path and we are off in another direction. These shiny objects can be people, relationships, a job, a hobby, an addiction, a ministry, or even fear.

It comforts me to know that God has a plan for my life, my race, my path. I have seen how I have let “shiny objects” get me off course. Too busy, too hurt, too depressed, too angry, or too happy, to stay the course.

I also love the fact that God gave us the free will to stay on the path or go down another road…sometimes those detours teach us things on how to “strip away everything that hinders.” But sometimes those roads include “the sin that so easily entangles.”

Have you ever spent time exploring what race God has for you to run? Have you even realized that there is one for your life? Do you know that He will use everything along your path to strengthen you to finish the race? Be it good or bad.

If we strip away everything that hinders, if we run with perseverance, and fix our eyes on Jesus…we will accomplish His will and plan for our lives.

Journal today…just focus on what “the race” is for you. What do you think God has been calling you to do that you have been ignoring? Or have not even thought about?
How would your life be different if you were on that path, running the race? What are your dreams and passions in life?

1 Comment »

  1. Dawn-Rene Martin said,

    I do not really have a dream. I passion in life is to run the race that Christ has marked out for me but I do not know what is ahead. I try to not worry about tomorrow just follow where he leads in the moment. I think though maybe I should start dreaming!

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